• How one can be sure in the quality of the drugs you sell?

Product quality is the matter of major importance to every seller. we sell only high-quality products. The better the quality of a product is, the more clients we have. It is as simple as that. Thus we choose only reliable and trusted manufacturers who provide us with all the necessary info and thoroughly test the quality of every drug.

  • Is the delivery to PO Boxes possible?

Yes. We often send packages to PO Boxes. Regular Shipping is done from the USA with the postal service and express delivery is done with private companies like DHL and Fedex

  • How can one place an order?

You can place an order on our site – it is done manually. It is fast and easy. You can contact customer support via whatsapp to order

  • What are your available payment methods?

Our only mode of payment is by crypto. We accept bitcoin, Ethereum, XMR and USDT mainly. Request for our wallet address from the customer support on WhatsApp or SMS

  • What are you shipping methods?

Regular shipping is done with the postal service, while express shipping is done with private companies like DHL and Fedex. We provide a tracking number for international shipments once tracking says the package has cleared the customs in the buyer’s country

  • What should I do if the package was damaged during transportation and or missing?

Please contact our customer care department ASAP. We will do our best to satisfy our customers. We will either resend the package at no expense or issue a refund.

  • What are my options if I haven’t received my package yet?

We kindly ask you to check your shipping method first of all (Airmail’s waiting period lasts 2-3 business weeks, whereas the delivery via EMS will last 3-8 business days). Please bear in mind that the delivery can take a little longer because of the possible delays at customs.

There we ask you to be patient. The package will be delivered to you for sure. Practically all our customers receive their packages. Please contact our customer care team if the package is not delivered to you.

  •  How do I get the pricing on your products?  

That’s easy, select the product you need to purchase, contact any of our emails: contact@uncutdrugsonline.com or inforsales94@gmail.com.  Every information you need concerning the product will be provided.



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